Tikuferanji, the television drama series, is making a comeback on Malawi Broadcasting Corporation (MBC) as an independent project. The mastermind behind it all, Michael Usi, is taking on the role of executive producer and financier.

The show first began back in the early 2000s under the wing of the Danish non-governmental organisation Adventist Development and Relief Agency (Adra Malawi).

Usi, also known as Manganya in the drama world, expressed to the media that the revival aims to deliver a blend of entertainment and education by delving into various social and political topics. He emphasized that the program is designed for the people of Malawi, welcoming their feedback and suggestions for improvement.

Furthermore, Usi, who serves as the Minister of Natural Resources and Climate Change, assured that the show will remain authentic and untouched by external influences. The core cast members, including Jeremiah Mwaungulu, Margaret Chikwembeya, Ruth Simika, Mafumu Matiki, Frank Yalu, and Linda Chatha, will be returning for the new season.


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